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영국 학제시스템은 미국과 어떻게 다른가요?

이해하기 쉽게 표로 비교해 드리겠습니다.
큰 틀로 나이를 기준으로 구분해 드렸고 상세 내용은 방문 설명 들으시는 것을 추천 드립니다.

BPS 어학원에서 진행하는 영국 프로그램의 가장 큰 특징은 무엇인가요?

첫째, 과학과 영어 모두 영국 현지에서 직수입한 교재를 사용하여 수업 합니다.
  • 둘째, Brain Storming과 Presentation을 기반으로 하여 Writing 과의 연계 수업을 제공합니다. 
  • 셋쩨, 과학실험과 이론수업 및 Lab Report 작성이 가능합니다.
  • 넷째, 문해력과 영작에 대한 방법과 기술을 배울 수 있습니다.
  • 다섯째, IGCSE 시험 대비가 가능합니다.

International General Certificate of Secondary Education

영국의 중고등 과정인 GCSE(영국의 중등학교 졸업시험)를 케임브리지 대학교 시험개발원에서
국제 학생(International)을 위한 국제 커리큘럼으로 개조한 것으로 IGCSE는 IB와 마찬가지로
국제적인 공인성의 교육과정이며 중등 교육과정을 이수하는 시험으로
한국의 중, 고등학교의 과정을 포함합니다.

저희 아이는 미국이나 캐나다로 유학 계획 중인데요, BPS어학원 의 영어 수업이 도움이 될까요?

어느 나라의 대학을 목표로 하고 있든 입시에 유리한 Writing 기술을 습득하게 되는 이점이 있습니다.  이해하기 쉽게 큰 틀로만 설명을 드리면, 서술형 기반의 수업이며 상위 학년으로 올라가서 수업을 따라갈 수 있는 능력과 제출 할 과제를 수행할 수 있는 능력을 쌓아가는 수업방식입니다.  질문에 맞는 정확한 답을 글로 표현하는 능력을 갖추고 있다면 어느나라 대학교 입시를 준비하든 합격에 큰 도움이 됩니다.  상세한 사항은 몇 줄의 글로 다 설명할 수 없기에 상담예약전화 주시면 안내해드리도록 하겠습니다. (수업을 진행하면서 understand the context, sharing information, convey information, writing skills, richness of vocabulary, how to write an assignment 등의 항목들을 통합적으로 다루게 됩니다.)


British Academic Curriculum | Kinder | Age 5-6


British Academic Curriculum | Years 1 to 6 | Age 6-11


British Academic Curriculum | Years 7 to 13 | From Age 12

Vocabulary Workshop

The new Vocabulary Workshop, Tools for Comprehension Interactive Edition provides comprehensive fun methods for Excellence in new environment to the level of younger pupils.

Book Club

Easy learning, diversity of books, fantastic stories, and essential classics for beginning readers. Both modern favorites and lovable classics make up our hand-picked books for the youngest pupils to enjoy.

Basics of a Great English Writing

A Writing Beginning that equips pupils with communication and thinking skills to help them express who they are as people. This course will promote their thinking and learning visibly and permanently. The Basics of Writing will provide the ability to explain and refine their ideas to others and themselves.

English Grammar & Punctuation Spelling

This fabulous three-in-one Targeted Question Book is packed with essential practice for grammar, spelling and punctuation — all perfectly matched to the National Curriculum. It covers all the essential topics in CGP's famous, easy-to-understand style.

English Reading Comprehension

A brilliant Targeted Question Book packed with Reading Comprehension practice for pupils! It contains fifteen engaging texts — including fiction, non-fiction and poetry — that cover a diverse range of styles and eras, from well-known classics to modern authors.

English Writing

It covers all the essential topics in CGP's famous, easy-to-understand style. Students will have the opportunity to think for themselves and express everything they have learned to write their own unique thinking style about the students desired topic or topic from the course book.

Literature & Prose 101

Talking about books helps boost a love of reading. Encourage pupils to bring their own experiences and perspectives to the conversation. going. Plan to review strategies for active listening, asking questions, and contributing to discussions with your book club members, especially if your entire class is participating.

Cursive Writing

In this course, pupils will learn how to write letters from A to Z (both upper and lower cases) in cursive script. This book is a brilliant way for Key Stage Two pupils to practice their joined-up handwriting!


Students explore the concepts of mathematics participation in creative activities, where they learn to count, compare, classify, solve problems, and have lots of fun along the way.

GCSE - English Language Writing

This fantastic CGP Revision Guide is the best way to prepare for the GCSE English Language exams! Every reading and writing skill is clearly explained, and there's a big focus on helping students develop their exam skills throughout the book.

Literature & Prose 102

It includes scene overviews and a context section, so that students can keep track of the plot, characters and historical details. Plus, there is lots of practice, with questions and activities at the end of every scene.

Creative Writing

The course will guide pupils step by step on how to write each letter with clear demonstration. Each letter will be written repeatedly for you to follow the technique. Exercises are specially designed after each lesson for you to practice and answers will be provided.

English Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling

Perfect for helping them score the full 5% of SPaG marks in GCSE English Literature. It’s packed with crystal-clear, easy-to-read notes on the plot, characters, themes, writer’s techniques and context - plus quick warm-up activities.

Cursive Writing

The course is suitable for anyone who is interested in cursive writing and would like to improve their handwriting. After completing the course, you will be able to write the cursive script without any problem.

Upper Mathematics

Prepares students not just for college and career, but for life. Learning to use reasoning and logic, helping them understand not just how something works but why.


Human Anatomy | Biology | Earth Science | Chemistry | MicroBiology | Physics | Space Science | BioChemistry | AP Science | Advanced Chemistry | Upper Biology & Human Anatomy | Life Science +

Pre-Med Course | G10-G12

For International students interested in studying MBBS/Medicine in the United Kingdom can do a pre-med course in the UK before being accepted into an undergraduate medical program. A course generally for students that focus on biology, chemistry, mathematics, and English for their future.

Science Journal Thesis | G10-G12

Scientific Reports, Thesis Preparation, Research, Data Collection and Analysis. Improving Writing Skills & Outstanding Scientific Vocabulary, Private Feedback Sessions. Final Investigation Project and Presentation.


English Science program that includes activities involving fun SCIENCE Experiments, creative designs to understand TECHNOLOGY, learning ENGINEERING though making, creative ART work, and digging in the logic and reasoning of the world of MATH.


STEAM Program Designed for students with higher aspiration in English. Includes Earth Science, Human Anatomy, Technology and Engineering, Fun Science Experiments, Math, English Vocabulary & Writing, and more.


STEAM & English Program that includes not only Science Experiments, but Lab Reports, Scientific Vocabulary, Earth Science, Biology, Gastronomical Chemistry, BioChemistry, and more.

학생들의 눈높이에 맞는 어휘와 체계적인 방식으로 영어를 모국어를 습득하듯 자연스럽게 익힙니다. 
 한국의 교과서처럼 묻고 답하는 과정들과 영역별 워크북    명사, 형용사, 부사와 같은 문장을 이루는 기초 문법,    물음표나 대문자를 사용하는 구두법,    단어의 형태와 발음을 배우는 스펠링,    역사부터 과학까지 다양한 소재의 독해 문제.    글의 종류에 따른 작문과 글쓰기 등이 모두 이 과정안에 녹아져 있습니다.
 영국 교육의 특별한 점은 "작문 수업을 강조하는 것"입니다. 셰익스피어와 해리포터의 보유국답게 저학년부터 작문 수업이 포함 되어 있습니다.

TED Talk | G1-G6

TED Talks may help learners become more aware and critical thinkers, but they can also help instructors present knowledge and communicate with their learners more quickly.

Science Journals for KIDS | G1-G4

A science journal is a record of observations, experiences and reflections. It contains a series of dated, chronological entries that will help student develop their science understanding from a fun starting point in writing, research investigation, and experimental approach.

SSAT Prep Course | G7-G9

Plan and prepare in advance for greater results.Simulate test day with practice tests. Study in shorter, more frequent sessions. Learn test-taking strategies and new useful vocabulary.

Worldly Wise & Vocabulary Workshop | K-G4

Students learn hundreds of new words while they build reading, writing, and thinking skills. As they read in context, apply meanings in different situations, and answer comprehension questions using complete sentences, they make these words their own. Fun!

Science Journals for TEENS | G5-G9

This course helps students to record and reflect on inquiry-based observations, activities, investigations, and experiments. Science Journals are also an excellent way for students to communicate their understanding of science concepts, and for teachers to provide students with feedback.

Selection criteria: Textbooks or required reading for English-speaking countries + books from large language institutes and many verified books Recommended list by Jo Jeong-sik, a top-ranked star instructor for the CSAT Newbery Medal (1922-2021): Novels at the 5th grade level, exemplary content, touching and instructive -> Lots to read while thinking CGP: Literature required for British academic qualifications

캠브리지 시험 설명

케임브리지 영어 시험(Cambridge English Qualifications)은 케임브리지 대학교 시험개발원에서 유럽언어기준에 따라 만든 영어 어학시험입니다. 총 8단계로, YLE Starters(Pre A1 Starters) - YLE Movers(A1 Movers) - YLE Flyers(A2 Flyers) - KET(Key English Test, A2) - PET(Preliminary English Test, B1) - FCE(First Certificate, B2) - CAE(Certificate in Advance English, C1) - CPE(Certificate of Proficiency, C2) 순입니다. (쉬운 순 -> 어려운 순) 캠브리지 시험은 말하기, 듣기, 쓰기. 전 영역을 평가하며 스피킹 시험은 면대면 시험으로 진행됩니다. 또한 캠브리지 시험은 한 번 취득하면 평생 인정이 되는 시험입니다. ( 실제 대학이나 기관에서는 2년 제한을 하는 곳이 있어 유학을 갈 용도라면 학교 홈페이지 확인 필요)

캠브리지 시험 관련

저희 BPS어학원은 캠브리지 시험 공식 프렙/테스트 센터로 승인 받았습니다. 시험 신청은 '어세스먼트 코리아' 홈페이지에서 신청해 주시면 됩니다. BPS어학원이 공식 테스트 센터로 승인 되어 시험을 준비하는 아이들을 위해 러닝 센터, 시험 준비반이 개설 되었습니다. 수업 문의는 BPS어학원으로 전화주시면 상담 도와드리겠습니다.

  • Haedoji-ro 152beon-gil 9, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Corea del Sur
  • 401-402호
죄송합니다. 등록기간이 종료되었습니다.

  • 날짜: 2024. 11. 20 10:30
  • 위치: South Korea, Seoul, 서초구 (지도)

지난 이벤트

안산 경기 CAMPUS 31 12월 2021South Korea, 경기 안산 상록구



Medicinal Chemistry at SUNY (State University of New York), -Radiation Oncology at THOMAS JEFFERSON UNI. and MD Anderson Cancer Center Texas Cancer Center -Pharmacy program at LECOM Pharmacy School.


Manager & Science Lab Instructor

Majored in BioChemistry and Human Anatomy. Over 10 years of teaching experience. Languages: English, Spanish, Italian, Korean.


. Over 10 years of teaching experience.


Linguistics Instructor

Bachelor in Linguistics & Literature. Majored in French and German. Over 5 years of teaching experience. Obtained TEFL Certificate 2018. Languages: English, French, German.


English & Math Instructor

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